
Genome Size-Cell Size Allometry

Genome size links informational, structural, and functional dimensions of life

Scaling from Cells to Ecosystems using Interdisciplinary Approaches

Interdsiciplinary approaches to environmental monitoring

New NSF grant recommended for funding!

A grant from NSF will support a collaboration with soft matter physicists to characterize and model 3D flower mesophyll tissue

Two new preprints: genome size critical to mesophyll architecture in leaves

The major driver influencing variation in 3D leaf mesophyll organization is the allometry of genome size and cell size

How does genome size constrain maximum metabolism?

New paper explains how genome size limits maximum photosynthesis via its effects on cell sizes and packing densities.

Genome downsizing, physiological novelty, and the global dominance of flowering plants

The abrupt origin and rapid diversification of the flowering plants during the Cretaceous has long been considered an “abominable mystery.” While the cause of their high diversity has been attributed largely to coevolution with pollinators and …

The human carbon budget: an estimate of the spatial distribution of metabolic carbon consumption and release in the United States

Carbon dioxide is taken up by agricultural crops and released soon after during the consumption of agricultural commodities. The global net impact of this process on carbon flux to the atmosphere is negligible, but impact on the spatial distribution …