__Roddy AB__
Localized growth and remodeling drives spongy mesophyll morphogenesis
Diverse mangroves deviate from other angiosperms in their genome size, leaf cell size and cell packing density relationships
Coordination of hydraulic thresholds across roots, stems, and leaves of two co-occurring mangrove species
Seeing yourself as a scientist: increasing science identity using professional development modules designed for undergraduate students
Structural organization of the spongy mesophyll
Contrasting water use, stomatal regulation, embolism resistance, and drought responses of two co-occurring mangroves
Resource users as land-sea links in coastal and marine socioecological systems
Mammals with small populations do not exhibit larger genomes
Reintegrating biology through the nexus of energy, information, and matter
Maximum CO2 diffusion inside leaves is limited by the scaling of cell size and genome size
Towards the flower economics spectrum
Diversification, disparification, and hybridization in the desert shrubs Encelia
Natural selection maintains species despite frequent hybridization in the desert shrub Encelia
Anatomical and hydraulic responses to desiccation in emergent conifer seedlings
The scaling of genome size and cell size limits maximum rates of photosynthesis with implications for ecological strategies
Energy balance implications of floral traits involved in pollinator attraction and water balance
Ramification has little impact on shoot hydraulic efficiency in the sexually dimorphic genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae)
Functional status of xylem through time
Testing the benefits of early vessel evolution
Hydraulic traits are more diverse in flowers than in leaves
Beyond porosity: 3D leaf intercellular airspace traits that impact mesophyll conductance
Genome downsizing, physiological novelty, and the global dominance of flowering plants
Water relations of Calycanthus flowers: Hydraulic conductance, capacitance, and embolism resistance
Coastal livelihood transitions under globalization with implications for trans-ecosystem interactions
Agroforestry Practices Promote Biodiversity and Natural Resource Diversity in Atlantic Nicaragua
Hydraulic conductance and the maintenance of water balance in flowers
New frontiers in the three-dimensional visualization of plant structure and function
A physiological approach to the ecology and evolution of flowers
Genetic variation within a dominant shrub structures green and brown community assemblages
Uncorrelated evolution of leaf and petal venation patterns across the angiosperm phylogeny
Isotopic composition of transpiration and rates of change in leaf water isotopologue storage in response to environmental variables
Novel patterns of hysteresis in the response of leaf-level sap flow to vapor pressure deficit
Plant traits in relation to the performance and distribution of woody species in wet and dry tropical forest types in Panama
Determining the water dynamics of flowering using miniature sap flow sensors
Do differences in understory light contribute to species distributions along a tropical rainfall gradient?
The human carbon budget: an estimate of the spatial distribution of metabolic carbon consumption and release in the United States